Sunday, November 28, 2010


July 9, 2000

Leo taught Sunday school class today. As best that I can determine, he only made reference to the books of the Apocrypha. These were those books, which were not found to be worthy of being accounted as Scripture. They were initially put into the 1611 KJV, but removed in the 1629 KJV. They do appear today in the Catholic bible– called the Douay version.

(This in aside, since I just looked up the word Douay, I’ll say a word about it here. A Catholic advertisement says that this is “The best, most accurate, safest English translation that you can use. A careful word-for-word translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible (the official Bible of the Church).”  To the best of my knowledge, the Latin Vulgate was a copy of the Bible that was found in a trashcan in the Vatican. It is probably one of the two most satanic manuscripts around, the other being the Sinatic, which I understand, was found in a deserted monastery in Turkey.)

There are number of things which Leo spoke about which the Bible definitely agrees with. They were good to hear, but truthfully, most of what Leo said, I do not agree with, nor do I believe that it can be Scripturally supported. I will grant that at the start, he did indicate that what he was going to say was “informational”, but it was presented as Scriptural.

For instance, he had read these Apocryphal books and learned about the life of Adam and Eve. He said that he had learned that Adam and Eve were not naked, as the Bible three times says:

Gen. 2:25, 3:7, 3:10
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.

He believes that Adam and Eve were clothed with white robes and that these robes had power. He said that Adam and Eve were more powerful than the angels, but the Bible nowhere states such things. Maybe it was Leo’s conclusion, after reading non-biblical material. Leo also stated that this robe was a marvelous thing, but my Bible nowhere states this!

He said that Adam said that God helped him name the animals, etc.  But, the Bible says:

Gen. 2:19-20
And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

He said that in the Millennium, we would be clothed with white robes, and with the brightness of these robes, there would be no need of the Sun. But, the Bible, in speaking of the New Jerusalem,  says:

Rev. 21:23
And the city had no need of sun, neither the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Wow, it sure looks like to me that God and his Son have no need of white robes to help them with the Light!

On to Noah. According to Leo, Noah did not bring all the animals into the ark – God himself brought the animals. But according to the Bible in Genesis Chapter 7:1,2, & 5:

And the LORD said unto Noah ---

Of every clean beast thou shalt take ----

And Noah did according to all that the LORD commanded him.

He also stated that he had learned that only small animals came onto the ark.  After all, it has been well proven that young, even baby animals tend to get along together. Again, this is nowhere stated in Scripture. Talk about putting God in a box! Talk about limiting God! Wow!!

He further said that as the animals were gathered together to enter the ark, that the father and mother animals, along with their young were gathered together. He said that the adults then drove away from the ark the people  who God had not chosen. It is hard to believe such a story, besides it being non-Biblical.

Lastly, Leo said that Satan invited Someone into hell that had never sinned. He was here talking about Jesus after His death on the cross. This idea is totally unscriptural. Nowhere in the Bible have I read such a thing, nor ever even heard of this idea.

I believe that there are scriptures that indicated that Jesus went to the very center of this earth, proclaimed to all down there that He had paid the debt for sin on the cross, and took His own to Paradise (Heaven) with him. But this surely had not happened at an invite from Satan.

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